When Engrampa 1.28.2 in 24.04?

When the following version 1.28.2 of Engrampa will be in 24.04?
The current version in 24.04 still have the issue and it's very annoying.

Like from a regular update? Probably never. When a new Ubuntu release is prepared, a package version freeze happens. UMATE 24.04 comes with MATE 1.26.2. The bugfix can be backported from version 1.28 to version 1.26 and then delivered somehow.


Well, Philippe, that is where Linux is so great!

You don't have to wait for the update from a release; you can download the latest bug-fixed version signed-off on by the Ubuntu team and compile/install it directly yourself. :slight_smile:


It's both so great, and so not great in some ways :slight_smile: This is an excellent article that mentions this exact conundrum: Why Linux is not ready for the desktop, the final edition

The author of that article makes it clear in an earlier version that it is meant to be constructive criticism; it's not preaching that Linux is bad, or people shouldn't use it, etc.

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I'm fully agree with you. I asked how to build this release and install it in 24.04, on github engrampa and also in our forum. I didn't succeed. May be some one here can help me here to install it in 24.04?

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I do not have the skills to compile and no desire to learn them. I do have another laptop with Sparky Linux that engrampa works. I also have Xarchiver installed on Ubuntu Mate. They are work arounds, I would prefer engrampa just work. The only drawback I have found with Xarchiver compared to engrampa is that if I decompress and then change something in the decompressed file it will not update like engrampa. I have to delete the old file and compress the new one again. Well that is survivable I am not tearing my hair out over it.


Re: [Ask] how to build to use last release with · Issue #524 · mate-desktop/engrampa · GitHub

Engrampa (now) uses the meson build system - there are some general instructions for installing and using that here (Quickstart guide).

You will need Engrampa's (build) dependencies. The meson setup build step will tell you which ones are missing (if any); feel free to attach the log produced and we can find the packages you need. These will typically be available via apt, but meson doesn't know about debian package names so it can take a quick duckduckgo :duck: to figure it out.

Once meson setup build succeeds, you have a folder called build inside the source repository. These commands should then compile and install the program using the info from build:

meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
# you will likely want sudo for that last command

Note: I keep source repositories like these inside ~/apps; makes it easy to remember which apps on my system were built + installed from source by me (as opposed to using apt).

[edit]It rarely gets any more complicated than acquiring dependencies from apt; very rarely I've had to install or upgrade dependencies from source[/edit]


Easy peasy(ish) with Arch Linux... oops... wrong distro! (Genuinely, I do find their PKGBUILD much easier for rebuilding packages - in less commands!)

In this case, I would recommend building it under the packaging system (apt). With 1.28.2 installed to the system replacing 1.26.2, allowing you to use Engrampa as you normally would seamlessly.

This is the approach I'd take: To the terminal!

  1. Install a metapackage with tools for building packages:

    sudo apt install devscripts git
  2. Open Software & Updates (software-properties-gtk) and check the "Source Code" option. Save & refresh the cache.

  3. Get the source code for engrampa - let's store this on the desktop.

    cd ~/Desktop
    mkdir engrampa && cd engrampa
    apt-get source engrampa
  4. Download the engrampa repository checked out to the desired version (1.28.2). Their source code also needs some git submodules.

    git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.28.2 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/mate-desktop/engrampa.git
  5. Extract the Debian tarball (this describes how to build the package, any patches, changelog, etc)

    tar -xJf engrampa_*debian*.tar.xz
  6. Edit debian/changelog in a text editor so the version on the first line reads 1.28.2

    engrampa (1.28.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
  7. Install the build dependencies needed to build engrampa

    sudo apt build-dep engrampa
  8. Move the debian folder inside the engrampa (repository) folder. Delete the 1.26.2 sources as we don't need them.

    rm engrampa_1.26.2.orig.tar.xz
    mv debian engrampa
  9. Build your package! Sit back as a lot of text flies flies across the screen!

    cd engrampa
    debuild -b
  10. All being well, you can install the new package with:

    sudo apt install ../*.deb

    It's normal for the last few lines to complain about a signing error / no secret key. That's expected, since you're not the maintainer to 'sign' it off for uploading.

Let's check it out! Applications → Accessories → Engrampa version says:

Success! The sources on the desktop can be binned :wastebasket: I was typing along testing these 10 steps on a relatively clean 24.04 system :point_up_2:

Good luck!


Thank you, I'll test soon.

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I prefer open a new ticket in support for this task.
Could you please take a look?