Where to find Ubuntu Mate 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 3B+?


I'm looking for the Ubuntu-mate 16.04 version but I couldn't find it anywhere. Whenever I click on a link it forwards me to the newest version of ubuntu mate which is 18.04. Could you please tell me where I can find it?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome! You can find older and unsupported releases here:


Thank you for your quick reply but I have to ask if the old version 16.04 runs on pi 3b+. I've tried both ubuntu mate 16.04 and 16.04.2 but raspberry pi didn't boot.

It looks like 16.04 can work on the Pi 3 B+ with a few adaptations to the image first. The hardware revision was newly released at the time. Take a look at this guide:

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It does seem that the HTTP download is still working for now:


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