Why do you use Linux? And why did you choose Ubuntu MATE?

I do have to slightly adjust my stance here — The above implies I am saying Microsoft will destroy Linux when the truth is they have their own Linux projects. And Ubuntu continues to be free. That, and if Microsoft's influence becomes too great and typical kernel.org stuff is swept under the rug for rampant consumerism and the emergence of a Microsoft-controlled paid solution in the Linux userland becomes a thing, there will be alternative, free kernels that wholly represent FLOSS.

...That, and @Wimpy is working in tandem with Microsoft for Windows Subsystem on for Linux. So I cannot quite say Microsoft's the bad guy so long Martin, our beloved project lead for this beautifully-crafted operating system has at least a platonic relationship with them. Arguably I shouldn't have any ill will toward Microsoft but their past still haunts hella hard and my wariness stands firm — My trust in Microsoft, especially after Windows 8 remains distant.

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I'm using Linux since i'm kid.

I got a old nec vesa computer with windows 98 upgraded by myself to XP.
I discovered Ubuntu in a IT club and as i was the only one interested about something elese than Windows, i got this CDs by the club : ( i still have it ! )

I started with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Do you guys remember this wallpaper ?

I used GNOME 2 on my Ubuntu distros, next KDE with knoppix, KUbuntu, Xubuntu and finaly back to Ubuntu Gnome.
Next Unity on Ubuntu that i didn't hate so much as mostly people do.
Since Gnome 3 that i don't like at all, I discovered and installed Ubuntu Mate 16.04

I became 100% aligned with the Linux spirit ( workspace grid, terminal, solve your compatibility issues by yourself, pm-suspend before closing the lid, ext .... )

I'm afraid only thinking that one day I may be forced to use Windows or Mac for my work.

Linux is free, quick, configurable, do not spend hours on KB installations, beautiful, nobody from your colleagues or friends know how to change your wallpaper or invert the mouse buttons if you forget to lock it.

They become crazy looking at your screen - they do not understand at all what your are doing. You are the only one that is not afraid of the " _ " blinking char waiting for instructions.

Linux is a operating system for people that have/want to have some extra knowledge about the box - what's there inside ? How to use this mess ?, how to make it perfect ? - all folks here :slight_smile:


I switched to KDE / Linux Mandrake in 1999 and changed to Gnome which I found easier to use and more relaxing.

I switched to Mate-Desktop because "we like what we know and we know what we like".

  • I always use Clearlook, which after many and many tests, is the theme that generates the least visual fatigue for me.
  • I customize the theme a little: display of the size of the files, small toolbar, shortcuts for tiling, small font for the title bar ...
  • I use Synapse or Kupfer to have the least possible use of the menu and do as many things as possible without a mouse.
  • Animation is nice but very tiring in the long run, so Mate-Destop is perfect for me.
  • Mate run well on old computers.

If I had to change the desktop, I probably would turn to i3, but I have a fairly graphic use and I am very used to Mate which remains one of the best desktops in my humble opinion.

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I've used Linux since early 2000's when I bought an Amigaone PPC motherboard to run OS4, as it turned out OS4 was 6 months behind the hardware so in the meantime I made do with a Debian system. In 2008 I bought a preloaded Tower with Ubuntu 8.04 from a UK company which sadly no longer exists and loved it. I kinda fell out of love with Ubuntu when Unity came along and with tablets and phones making accessing the internet a 24/7 option i found I rarely used my computer anyway.
My interest was reignited in 2016 when I discovered Ubuntu Mate and now run it on a Gigabyte Brix and old laptop.
During lockdown I experimented with a few other distros, first was Fedora which I actually quite enjoyed but the 1 year upgrade cycle scared me off, then having enjoyed Gnome 3 i thught why not give mainstream ubuntu another go, sorry but whats the point of using Gnome if they just turn it into Unity , it just dosen't work for me, since then i've looked at PopOS and Kubuntu, both have their plus points but Ubuntu Mate feels like how Ubuntu should be so for now it's staying my first choice.


Mate is the most stable distribution amongst ubuntu. Unlike other distribution, it seldom freeze.