Yes it was, then it clicked, I remember changing the mode to 16bit when I was creating it to reduce banding. I forgot to change it back to 8bit mode when I saved the PSD. I wondered why the file size was so large.
Oh well, at least we learned something, gimp will not render layers in 16bit mode.
That's bullocks. Well anyway, figured I would show you what came of your work; I ended up sticking with a neutral colour and instead having white glowy bits in my wallpaper, using the "Wallpaper" I already have as the backing;
Uses a recoloured version of @Vent's Ubuntu MATE artpiece, the image with no logo on it. Kind of sucks there was not a bigger version of that but eh, it'll do for now. The logo glow isn't perfect but it was a case of working with what I got.
Now before you go about asking Why did I do an PSD again? remember that other people downloaded the PSD file, which means if they wanted to they could do something similar with it and replace the background with whatever they want.