Cannot boot Mate 24.04

I am trying to install Mate 24.04, the installation goes ok but when I reboot I get a black screen with "reboot and select proper boot device" ie no Grub menu
This is a desktop computer with 4 sata ports, 2 samsung ssds one being used for Windows10 and the other intended for Ubuntu Mate set to UEFI boot.
The live USB only boots if I disconnect the Windows drive, which seems a bit odd.
I have tried Ubuntu boot repair from the live USB with no success and am running out of ideas.

If you remove the U-MATE drive and try to boot does it boot normally into Windows?

If so, I would remove the Windows drive, install the Mate drive and do a reinstall to the Mate drive. If after reinstalling Mate on the lone drive, and it boots normally, I would then put the Windows drive back in and specify in the bios which drive to boot from. In order to boot the other drive when I want, I would use the motherboard hot key to pick the drive.

I avoid Grub at all costs.


Windows boots fine, I tried what you suggested, when I re attach the Windows drive and select Linux from the boot selection it boots Windows ;(
I tried Version 22.04 and that worked perfectly, still had to remove Windows hard drive to get it to boot, but all is good now.
Maybe the 24.04 version doesn't like my MSI H61M-P31/W8 motherboard.

When you boot of the live usb, press e to edit the boot parameters, and arrow down to the line ending with quiet splash.
Back space out those two words and then add nomodeset noacpi to the space. Then ctrl 10 to start the boot process.

All should the good after the reboot.

Cheers Chris da kiwi

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Same issue as not_rich. I disabled quiet splash during grub menu with e, then boot works. Here is my investigate:

@not_Rich : What is your graphic card? Can you show the return of this command:
inxi -SG

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Device-1: AMD Turks XT [Radeon HD 6670/7670] driver: radeon v: kernel
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.11 driver: X: loaded: radeon
unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: r600 gpu: radeon
resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: kms_swrast,r600,swrast
platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
API: OpenGL v: 4.5 vendor: mesa v: 24.0.9-0ubuntu0.1 renderer: AMD TURKS
(DRM 2.50.0 / 6.8.0-41-generic LLVM 17.0.6)

I may try reinstalling 24 this weekend, editing the boot parameters.
This upgrade from 22 > 24 seems to be having problems with compiz

Can you try :slight_smile:
With GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" in Grub, then, With GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" in Grub.
Share your feedback for each please

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What, install it twice using those different configs? it's only after installation that I cannot boot from the hard drive.

No, haha. Try to boot with quiet splash, then try to boot with just quiet, at Grub menu. Type "e" at Grub menu to edit commands to edit to try.

İ am running Ubuntu Mate 24.04 and Ubuntu Budgie 24.04. İ faced up same situation after fresh install with nvdia driver. Only boot with advanced option menu from grub. Removing "splash" leaving only "quiet" solves the problem in Mate but not in Budgie. Now i am using Nvdia driver on Mate and mesa driver on Budgie.


Welcome, @Cet_Cet to the community!