Not exactly the biggest issue in the world but, I'd like to change the format of the clock in the indicator applet to 24 hour.
As far as I can tell there is no way to do this that I can find but I've seen a few screenshots showing it is possible.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you so much. Not sure why that didn't pop up when I searched. Probably being to wordy.
I just installed Ubuntu Mate as the Ubuntu distro kept causing my system to freeze. Thus, I am new to Mate. Anyway, here is an update for anyone using 24.04 LTS. The location of the setting was changed since this post was answered.
dconf-editor: org/ayatana/indicator/datetime/time-format
terminal: gsettings set org.ayatana.indicator.datetime time-format '24-hour'
Welcome @BMN to the community!