Some months ago I installed Ubuntu Mate 22.04 on my old(ish) Dell laptop. Internet worked fine - I was using both ethernet and wifi. Yesterday both ethernet and wifi stopped working. I rebooted the laptop, I rebooted the router. Nothing helped. Other computers connected to the network, have no problem with internet connectivity. I booted the problematic laptop into Windows (it's a dual boot, but I hardly ever use Windows) and the internet worked just fine. I booted the laptop into Ubuntu Mate 2022.04 from a USB and the internet works just fine (I'm actually writing this from there).
I am able to connect to my lan. It's just the internet that's not working.
So what's wrong? Where do I begin to fix this hugely frustrating problem?
If you are able to connect to lan but not to the internet, first try this:
ping -c4
if that works, try this:
ping -c4
If that doesn't work, it means that your DNS is not working.
either your computer doesn't receive DNS adresses from your router during DHCP
or your DNS-resolver stopped working.
That your wired connection is not working is unusual. Yet the first thing I would try is booting into the old kernel that worked. Did this start happening after an upgrade?
Thank you for the suggestion. I only have two kernels available: 5.15.0-56 and 5.15.0-57. I booted into both and had no luck.
I'm pretty sure it happened after an upgrade, but cannot swear to that.
What really confuses me is that I can access my lan, transfer files to and from other machines on the lan, and these other machines are all connected to the internet without any problems. And all my machines run Ubuntu Mate 20.04 or 22.04.
Anyhoo, I'll probably end up reinstalling Ubuntu. Again.
ping , it should work, if not, your route configuration may be wrong.use ip route to check route configuration.
run host or dig or other way to resolve the hostname as you like, if it wroks , your network should be OK, then your can ignore the rest.
If not, try to change your dns.
try resolve hostname with dig @ , dig @2001:4860:4860::8888, if they work well , add nameserver , nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888 two lines to /etc/resolv.conf .(remember to comment your local dns)
This happened to me after an upgrade. DNS was messed up. This installation was using Network Manager. What fixed it for me was entering the correct DNS entries for each interface managed by NM. I had been maintaining DNS in a single file somewhere under /etc, but the upgrade broke that somehow.