Ubuntu MATE 15.04 for Raspberry Pi 2

@mortem @joao Although it is possible to get some of the new features working on the previous image, it is recommended that you use the newer image since the changes are quite significant (init system changed from upstart to systemd, MATE version 1.8.2 etc.) and upgrading may break(?) the system…


does chrome / firefox still support hardware video decoding?

Thank you verymuch for the nice job … I’m testing it

As new user I cannot upload a screenshot of my desk … but it looks very awsome ))))) and it works well after some little adjustments )))))

@mau Please share you tweaks☺

Fantastic work, thank you so much!!!

what do I do wrong:
dd if=/media/rzeczy/2015-03-14.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p1
dd bs=1M if=/media/rzeczy/2015-03-14.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p1.
both ways it works for few minutes and exit 0 (with no errors)
when I plug SD into my rpi2 - nothing happens…

ps.: thanks for your work!

@divest_divest Try /dev/mmcblk0 instead of /dev/mmcblk0p1
Do you see any partitions on the microSD card in GParted?

i did /dev/mmcblk0 - same result
i’m on win7 now
yes. i see 75MB Primary status active, 244 SWAP, 3.32GB ext3 partitions
75MB is fat32, on other SDcard first partition is fat16 - according to MiniTool Partition Wizard on windows . I’m trying Win32disk imager

Win32diskimager did it.
i get “failed to start kernel modules” (what does it mean?) but system is up and running!:slight_smile:

Also, I used the 16GB SD in second attempt. (8GB 1st)

Does anyone know whether Eric Anholt’s VC4 driver is a part of mesa 10.5? Apparently Mesa 10.5 is included in Ubuntu 15.04. (The VC4 Gallium3D driver has been part of mesa for months).
Also, I assume running the driver would require use of Eric’s own kernel tree at https://github.com/anholt/linux/tree/vc4

honestly most of this is far too technical for me to understand. But I am aware that a good functioning open-source driver stack for the Raspberry Pi is available, but not easily installable without some expertise.

Anyone had any success?

This is great work! My desktop and laptops all use Ubuntu MATE edition and it was a real treat to see the same setup running on my new Pi2! I am planning on embedding a Pi2 into a small HD TV I found at a thrift shop and using it as a TV/computer all-in-one.
I’m still testing it all out…but here are the main problems I found so far:

I lose internet connection about 30 seconds after the initial connection notification popup at login. The light on the wifi will continue to blink occasionally like there is a connection, but I can no longer ping anything (except my router and cable modem) or load any pages. Firewall is turned off. I have tried 3 different wifi adapters… 2 AusPi adapters and a Trendnet which are all listed in the hardware compatibility list as “working out of the box”, which they have on other distros. Have not tried a hard ethernet connection yet to see if this issue exists there.

The “Disks” app is missing? Intentionally? I can not seem to get my USB hard drive to auto-mount… USB thumb drives seem to auto-mount just fine… but not my USB HDD… which works fine on all other distros. Was going to see if I could manually mount it using “Disks” but it’s not in Control Center.

Do I still need to enter my MPG2 and VC1 codes into the config file to get videos to work? I can’t seem to run any video.

Is there a “raspi-config” like app/script that can be run to expand the file system and enable the Pi camera and other features like overclocking? Or does that all need to be done via manual editing of config files at this time?

I can’t wait for the official release of this!
THANK YOU! And keep up the great work :slight_smile:

Has anyone manage to install this OS on BerryBoot?

@Jason_L The Disks app is not installed by default on desktop Ubuntu MATE releases and hence wasn’t included on this release too. You can, however, manually install the gnome-disk-utility package using apt-get.
Videos are perfectly playable using the included omxplayer, which uses VideoCore (GPU) libraries for hardware acceleration. Kindly refer to the topic post for details on its usage.
Although raspi-config is not included, quite a bit of the same functionality like disabling overscan, overclocking etc. can be achieved by editing the file /boot/firmware/config.txt :smiley:

@darksniper87 There was a post on Reddit where the user mentioned that the image was working well with BerryBoot. You can try the same and let us know of your experiences :smiley:

@rohithmadhavan I’ve been working on oem-config (part of Ubiquity) so that the first time Ubuntu MATE for Raspberry Pi 2 is booted it will guide you through locale and user setup :slight_smile:Just waiting for the fixed Ubiquity to hit the official archives and I’ll push my changes.

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@Wimpy Nice!
This could probably evolve into a utility similar to raspi-config if we were to add the ability to edit the /boot/firmware/config.txt, among others, which would enable users to change Raspberry Pi specific settings using a GUI :smiley:

May I start by saying this is awesome.

I have one niggle though. I can only play sound for brief periods before it cuts off. tried mp3 and ogg. tried Rhythmbox, banshee and Audicious.

Anyone have a clue how to fix this?

Also i am a noob

@rohithmadhavan The debs included in the repo, are they taken directly from finnie’s PPA or did you build them yourself?

@rohithmadhavan Exchanged email with Ryan Finnie. He has added Vivid as a build target in his PPA. I have integrated it into the build :slight_smile:

@Wimpy Yes, the .deb files, with the exception of that of omxplayer, were taken from Ryan Finnie’s PPA since Vivid was not a build target. However, now that you’ve got it sorted out, it would be better to include his PPA directly :smiley:

@rohithmadhavan I’ve pushed all my changes. Sort of untested, but broadly OK (I think) :confused:

I haven’t got to the end of the build yet, but have a play. You’ll see I’ve been experimenting with how ubuntu-mate-desktop is installed. This is to try and reproduce the same end package installation and configuration you get on x86 and PowerPC. tasksel died sliently on me. So I have two apt techniques now.

You’ll see Ryan’s PPA is integrated and the are no debs in the repo now :slight_smile: OpenSSH is disabled, see my notes. I’ve enabled the fbturbo Xorg driver. Hopefully oem-config will work. If you are able to try a build your feedback is most welcomed :grinning: