Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS Beta Testing


  • Dragging "window jump" between two monitors was fixed (compare with 19.10)
  • Bluetooth on auto-connect, is using the correct AD2P profile for headphones, and connect "menu" is improved, so more easy to connect, and no more annoying wrong inferior audio connection.
  • There was some issue with connecting to android phone (maybe only displaying large directories, like picture ones), I have my phone cleaned, but it look that this issue is fixed, so very nice.... but I will make a check in the future ...

Everything looks really nice, the only issue I have with mouse is on specific system, an Intel NUC, but that it not related to Mate, and issue is from couple of years and getting worse, but with some boot workarounds is usable.

Dear testers,

is lock button in mate-time-admin working for anybody?


Upd: confirmed below, filed as bug #1872345.

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Not for me. Also... I can't seem to be able to display a date either on the panel.

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Hi @jspoonamore,

thanks for testing.
Concerning your problem, if you are talking about indicator-datetime, you actually are able to display date or construct any custom datetime format using dconf-editor.


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Thanks. I'll have to do some research to see what I need to modify in dconf-editor. Until then.... I'll just use the Clock Applet.

I installed the beta on my main machine. I had to choose safe graphics for the installer to boot. I updated all after install from tty1.

When it boots I get a black screen saying "Out Of Range". My card is Nvidia Geforce 9400GT and my monitor uis an LG w2234s with 1680x1050 resolution.

There are plenty of instructions about indicator-datetime customization ever since Unity desktop time. You may check this one, for example. Dconf-editor was redesigned, but you'll understand the general idea.

Good luck

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Had to rebuild my 18.04 panel layout yesterday (an old bug, so no issue to report here). But I thought I'd take a look at 20.04 Add to Panel. I was horrified to see that there were no menus available to add!!! Eventually I figured it out, with some research.

Is it too late to change 'Advanced MATE Menu', 'Brisk Menu', 'Classic Menu' and 'Compact Menu' titles to something like:

Menu - Advanced MATE Menu
Menu - Brisk Menu
Menu - Classic Menu
Menu - Compact Menu

respectively, so that you can easily see your choices, and more importantly find them in the first place? I'm looking for a Menu not an Advanced anything.

I noticed that the Dock applet loads very slowly compared to the rest of the desktop.
Running off an SSD in VirtualBox from logging in it takes 3 seconds to load everything on the desktop except for the Dock applet. That one takes an additional eight seconds all by itself.

For testing I used the Familiar layout and just added the Dock applet instead of the predefined launchers next to the menu and pinned a couple of applications to it.

EDIT: this is the following bug: https://github.com/ubuntu-mate/mate-dock-applet/issues/182 the workaround mentioned there works for me :slight_smile:

Also created https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1875170 on Launchpad for this.

Just installed Ubuntu MATE 20.04. It looks great, many congratulations for the excellent job!
I have taken the usual steps I normally take after a clean install: I made an update and installed the Software Boutique icon in the panel.
Can I point out minor spelling mistake in the description of the Boutique: it does not "compliments" but complements Ubuntu MATE.
Best wishes


Good spot, thanks. Typo corrected.

There was the usual 'to be uninstalled' weirdness - I'll edit the saved terminal output to see which is down to the next issue and which is just 'it always does this to at least one installed package for no obvious reason'.

Python is set up with a missing environmental setting so that many Python scripts don't run, but say:
/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory

Several packages in the Boutique that were removed by the upgrade from 19.10 wouldn't install, possibly because of this: Stellarium, Tor Browser, Calibre, Atom and Virtual Box. Successful installs included GIMP (the perennial removed on upgrade package here!), Luminance HDR, MyPaint, Etcher, GParted, Wire, Sublime Text, and Spotify.

I am testing Ubuntu MATE 20.04 on a Acer Aspire One D255 and have found, after installing updates, that audio no longer works.

When I inspect the sound settings in the system tray, I see that the built in audio is disabled/off with the profile being 'OFF'

A temporary fix is to install the Pulse audio volume control and select 'Configuration'. Then select 'Analogue Stereo Duplex (unplugged) (unavailable) and sound immediately returns until the next logout or reboot.

I'm not sure if the problem is due to a kernel update. I'm currently using 5.4.0-21 generic.

Hoping to get a security issue fixed before the final release: the power indicator doesn't lock the session before suspending. On a laptop this would allow unauthorized users access by resuming the system.

Steps to reproduce - live disc session:

  1. Boot from beta or daily iso (tested on 2020-04-11)
  2. Change live user password
  3. Suspend session with Brisk menu
  4. Resume session, observe lock screen password prompt is displayed
  5. Suspend session with power indicator (top right corner)
  6. Resume session, notice that desktop is shown right away without a password prompt
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@Wimpy Where is the proper place to report issues or get help ?

I logged it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1873451

I can confirm this, same issue here.

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I fixed it with:
sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
sudo apt install nvidia-340

Sorry if this has already been reported or an upstream problem...

The install is broken if you select in the Installation type:
Erase disk and install Ubuntu Mate
Select Advanced features...
Select Use LVM and Encrypt.
Type in the desired key and then Install Now.

It either crashes or indicates:
An error occurred while configuring encrypted volumes. The configuration has been aborted.

I'm doing the install with VMware Player, latest version.

Discovered a bug with password changes. Through Control Center.... Attempting to change user's password will not work. When you enter the old and new passwords and Click OK, the "Change User's Password" window will just sit there (grayed out) and do nothing.

I can change the password A-OK using "passwd" via the terminal.