I tried to file a bug on this but it is a long an winding road through the dark so I'll raise the issue here.
I have NM stopped and disabled on my system but the release upgrader enables and starts NM. Not a huge deal but it is irritating, disconcerting when it takes the time to say hi.
Been playing with U-MATE 20.04 from 1/19/20 possibly daily bare metal install in '12 MacPro and overall it's fine . . . however a day or so back I was trying to upload a photo via Chromium in my IG account and it "didn't work."
Today, I reviewed the YouTube videos on how to upload a photo from your PC to Instagram using "Chrome" and toggling the "user agent" so that it looks like the PC is a "mobile device" . . . and the key to "success" is that the mouse cursor turns into a grey circle and a "+" loads into the IG toolbar . . . .
So I have "chromium" installed in both a U-mate & Lubuntu 20.04 installs, and I get the "+" sign to load into my IG window, when I click on the plus an "open file" window opens, if I click on the user home directory, the sub-directories load, but if I then select a sub-directory, in this case "Downloads" . . . none of the files in that directory show up, yet alone are able to be selected . . . meaning that no photo can be uploaded.
I tried this in Lu this morning before running any updates, then I rebooted into U-MATE system that upgraded perhaps 800+- packages yesterday and tried the same process in again "Chromium" . . . and that failed there as well. Then I rebooted into OSX 10.13 where I have "Chrome" installed and ran through the process, and that succeeded . . . so I don't know if it's the "Chrome" aspect, or the "OSX" aspect that got it through to upload.
After I did that I rebooted back into Lu, ran 240 upgrades, including a new "chromium" upgrade and restarted . . . trying again brings the same trouble with the "open file" window not loading sub-directory files . . . ????
I found some other issue as well the other day, but didn't seem to find it in my notes, this issue was time consuming in trying over and over to try to get the "open file" window to recognize "files" . . . ???? Is this a bug? don't know, it's a "glitch" that seems to be happening in both of my "ubuntu 20.04" systems . . . .
Just upgraded my Ubuntu-MATE 18.04 to 20.04 and found that the "python" command is missing: I realise that Python 2 is being deprecated in20.04, but there should be a default "python" command, so I added a Debian alternative:
Also hit a snag trying to install "Mendeley Desktop" bibliography software:
gdebi mendeleydesktop_1.19.4-stable_amd64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading state information... Done
This package is uninstallable
Dependency is not satisfiable: python
Changed the dependency to python3 in the binary deb:
As I mouse over each of the links on the lower panel, they display a sort of thumbnail. Cute if not especially useful. I'm sure that I'll come to like them in time however.
I've wanted those thumbnails for a while they are useful when you have multiple windows of the same application open but cannot tell which ones are which the popup often lets you see without having to click all the windows
If we were provided with a way of turning tool tips off in the lower panel, I'd feel a lot better about the new visual thumbnails. For instance, the rather complete tool tip for this subject reads as "Ubuntu MATE 20.04 Pre-release Testing - Development Discussion - Ubuntu MATE Community - Basilisk" right now.
We can turn off the thumbnails if that's what you mean it's in preferences, but as far as the descriptions or whatever they're called I don't know of a way, but they don't show up with thumbnails on my system if I remember right
have not played in a while, did fresh install of the 2-19 daily.
FF still connects to the internet ok. I can still mount all my windows drives via SMB. but it appears there has been a step backward.
the add printer app is back to throwing CUPS errors.
the panel shows my OJP8210 at
but the panel freezes up & after a few minutes the cups error msg appears.
If you are getting printer and cups errors please file a bug as these are issues the dev's need to know about and need the data that is included in a bug report.
If you are unfamiliar, here are the steps to file a bug report.
Update there have been a bunch of cups and cups related updates today. You may want to update your install and see if those have helped with your issue.
Tried UM 20.04 on virtualbox and noticed that if you do the minimal install and reboot, once you update the system it will install celluloid even though I didn't add it.
The current minimal install settings do not have Celluloid as a package not to install. thus it should have been installed out of the "box" on 20.04 minimal install. I'll try and find out the reasons for that.
Did some more testing. Changing panel layout in Mate Tweak to any layout that uses the Brisk Menu gives the "Brisk Menu has quit unexpectedly" message. Also, in the Mutiny layout the Menu appears on the top panel where the window buttons should be. Its as if the brisk menu is created before the other objects, and since there is no panel it crashes.
I noticed an issue with desktop icons in the default theme - when they are selected and the desktop loses focus, the selection highlight as very bad contrast (probably intended for black text):