Weather applets inop

Awesome Sauce…I have weather on my 16.04 machines…Thanks!

Shame I can’t get 1.14 on my 14.04 desktop machine, it’s my main computer but 16.04 causes it to have lock-up issues

The fix is for METAR data only. To fix IWIN data (aka the forecast) you need to change the url in
weather-iwin.c to:

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I have bookmarked that for future(?) use as I have returned to the 1.12 desktop.

Hmm, seems its like previous versions, only shows the airport areas in Puerto Rico. :cry:

I did an upgrade and still do not have a fix. Any ideas?

Hi debianone

That should be a dist-upgrade after you install the PPA. Check your system monitor to verify your on the 1.14 desktop.

I just happened until I added the following repository:

deb xenial main

Does the radar work ?

[quote=“lostson, post:49, topic:8435, full:true”]
Does the radar work ?
[/quote]On 16.04 with Mate 1.14.1 (PPA):

Current Conditions OK
Radar Map OK

@Dave_Barnes seems to have the solid fix but I’m not sure anyone is working on it. @Wimpy?

Consider the currentnfix a first pass. A more complete solution is inbthe works.


Hi all, upstream MATE dev here :slight_smile:

I’m from Russia, so my location isn’t supported by US forecast server anyway and I can’t test any possible changes. I also have no idea which locations, beside US, are supported.
So I have to ask you guys to test the proposed change posted by @Dave_Barnes at post #43. If it works fine, I’ll commit it.

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I don’t know what additional changes our National Weather Service has in store for their web pages. They say that the “tgftp” server is for raw data, which is probably what we want. They have additional changes scheduled for first of next year (2017), including mixed case forecasts. I don’t know if they are going to change their url or not. And I doubt if they know right now either. Like it says in the code – MATEWEATHER_I_KNOW_THIS_IS_UNSTABLE.

So…where’s the fix for 14.04?

14o4 desktop development stopped at 1.8

Maybe when a fix is out for 1.12 it can be ported to 1.8

Weather applets inop

Ok, so 14.04 has been abandoned like a broken toy…how do I fix mine with the new site address? What files need to be edited?

Thats a little over the top. But if thats the way you feel, why not upgrade to 16o4?

Because 16.04 causes this desktop machine to lock up, and since 16.04 won’t support the external display on my laptop that 14.04 did (while not supporting the wifi on same) I can’t enjoy the use of my laptop. Out of 3 machines I installed 16.04 on, only the 8 year old laptop I use in the garage works perfectly with it

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14.04 was certainly not abandoned. That’s not how LTS releases work. When 16.04 gets a stable update to the applet, then it will almost certainly be backported to 14.04.

I’m not a Ubuntu-MATE developer, mind you. But that is usually how LTS releases work; i.e. when a new version of the distro becomes available, your development trunkmoves to the new version and you only backport stable package updates. You do this to ensure the stability of the older version that is still under the LTS period.

Meanwhile, this is not a problem with Ubuntu MATE 14.04, or 16.04. Currently the update to the weather applet doesn’t even formally exist in 16.04, since it requires a non supported update to MATE 1.14.1. So it’s not even as if 14.04 was being ignored. Following that reasoning Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 was being abandoned to. Instead, what this is, is simply a matter of waiting until the MATE project releases a stable update to the applet that can then be backported to MATE 1.12; which then can become available to both Ubuntu-MATE 14.04 and Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 without the need to update MATE to 1.14


Awesome, this worked in UM 14.04…Thank you…you rock :grinning:

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