What do you want?

I want human/humanity (clearlooks?) themes back. And, surely, that little applet to tweak their colour schemes...

  1. Auto tiling capabilities for my windows, something that works like pop-shell under gnome
  2. Better animations for windows (minimize/maximize/open/close) similarly to what budgie does (nothing too fancy, but a little bit more than the current one). I also would like to have an animation when I switch workspace
  3. Touchpad gestures

Add this by default


That would be really great

Hi, I have reinstalled linux mint in vmware after much time but I am not convinced that I will keep it long, because it is more difficult to use than windows, a small question please, how can I modify the date/time format on mint that I don't see the option?

I have no idea how it works on 'linux mint' (you should ask on their forum) but on Ubuntu-MATE you just have to open control center and choose language support->regional settings (see below)

If, besides the regional settings, you want to customize the clock indicator on the panel a bit, you can use this:

But again, Ubuntu-MATE is not Linux Mint so there might be differences.


thanks tkn for your answer, it's actually linux MATE and not mint that I installed, I was wrong and confused, thank you very much, finally now I have the date format as I wanted it


Auto disable compositor on full screen, I don't know if this is already a marco/picom features, but it would be cool if it exist.

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My wish for networkmanager in Ubuntu-MATE:

Allow to set a system default value for "autoconnect" property in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

I want the default behaviour of my networking interfaces to be that they don't connect to any network automatically.

  1. In /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, I can change that per connectionprofile for every existing connection, which i do, but it is pretty tiresome so I want to be able to set the [connection] autoconnect=false property to be applied by default.

I have some workarounds for this issue by scripting some nm-cli commands but it is far from ideal. A way to set autoconnect=false as system default would be very very welcome.


Lightweight automated change from light to dark mode, can auto change the icons, background, gtk and titlebar theme based on time of day.

Also each time that I change the background or theme, it removes my transparency setting on the plank dock and would like it to keep my transparent setting and not have to change it back all the time.

Otherwise really am loving how fast/lightweight and snappy Ubuntu Mate is. It is a great balance of look/performance. Continue to add more desktop layout settings as well love that too.

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Welcome @Ryan_Hines to the community!

Well, I am fine, with what I have and how great job you did. So the only thing I would love is for the design and functionalities to stay as they are and no big changes to be imposed in the feature. Sometimes, if you see Win updates, they look like a new SW you have to learn again.

Ability to control "scrollbar" implementation. Namely ...

[Grouping 1] - Basics

  • always visible,
  • specifiable width of scrollbar,
  • length of scroll bar as percentage of scroll-range,
  • scroll steppers always visible

[Grouping 2] - Complementary to that,

  • option to limit size of scrolling viewport (i.e. box for pre-formatted text in these posts) to visible range of viewport (i.e. adjust size to be fully visible in upper split screen of a post during an editing session), and not having to scroll the window to see portions of the "text box" that extend beyond the visible range of the viewport, regardless of the original vertical size specification in the CSS/HTML/XML.

[Grouping 3] - Text-box always fully visible

  • To have the above functionality as part of the basic, global preferences that would be applied to any theme chosen by the user.

[Grouping 4] - Differentiated Workspaces

  • The ability to assign a unique color/wallpaper to each Workspace, without need for compositing. Subliminal association of Workspaces with Task orientation by visual cue.

[Grouping 5] - Workspace-specific Desktop

  • Workspaces that display only a subset of a virtual Global Desktop, such that items assigned to each Workspace are unique to those Workspaces, and without need for compositing for that functionality.

[Grouping 6] - Workspace Labeling

  • Labeling Workspaces, each with a unique name.

[Grouping 7] - User/Privilege association with Workspace

  • The ability to specify which (one or many) of the Workspaces are assigned uniquely for actions as Administrator (with Access/Privileges), and the remaining Workspaces to the login User ID. Switching to that(those) Workspaces, all actions will automatically be performed as root (or potentially as any other administrative ID, such as for mail server, database server, domain server, network server, etc. ).

I recognize this last one may be perceived as over the top for a single user Desktop, but I would really like to be able to flip to a Workspace and do all as root, not just in a terminal having already done "sudo bash" (and have my wallpaper plain very light pink to flag the danger zone).

Not too big a shopping list ! :slight_smile:

(I don't know enough to say whether some of that is actually impossible.)

The last one is, at least under X11, a severe security risk.



I am retired, my system is for personal use, and never use my system for accessing financials. I do all financials face-to-face, in-person only! That is my security protocol.

I worked long enough within Coroprate IT, in what was a leading technology company, to not trust anything else. :slight_smile: