Where is a new repository for groovy?

http://ppa.launchpad.net/deadsnakes/ppa/ubuntu groovy is GONE! Where is a repository I can now use? When will a new version of Ubunte Mate be available for PI 4 and how will I upgrade it, I've heard the upgrades don't work on the PI, is that true?

Welcome @Ansley, to the Ubuntu-MATE Community! :smiley:
You can download the latest iso files for Raspberry PI including PI 4 here:

You can find more information about the releases for the Pi here:

Also, here is a community post on a successful upgrade that you might find useful:

I guess you didn't actually read my post very carefully! I have ubuntu mate 20.10, works fine, been using it for a while. However, not supported anymore and no package updates AT all. I pointed out the repository is GONE, and I'm looking for a new one or a way to upgrade past 20.10. I can't go back to 20.04, as it doesn't support USB booting from SSD (or at least it didn't...).

Ubuntu 20.10 is EOL, which applies to Ubuntu-MATE 20.10 too.

When releases go EOL, many PPAs get erased; they aren't moved, but contents dropped. This can occur as a release goes EOL, or sometime afterwards (varies on how closely the EOL was noticed & on who does the removal).

To avoid the issue, you should upgrade from a release before it reaches EOL, as the only question after a release has reached EOL is when it'll disappear. There is no new repository for groovy as it's EOL.


Yes, I know this, and pointed it out. However, there is NO upgrade! In the meantime, while I await an upgrade on Ubuntu-Mate, assuming there will be one? Hope it's not dead.... Was thinking there might be an alternative source for updates? It appears not, but the responses. Any idea on when an upgrade will be available for Ubuntu-Mate for Raspberry PI?

Sorry, I have no experience with Ubuntu-MATE upgrades on a pi, as I've only re-written a new release on the memory card & re-created my setup on the newer system (my memory cards wouldn't have enough space to release-upgrade so I've never wanted to).

I only QA-test on (~dead i386 &) amd64 architectures.

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I think you have three options:

  • leave things as they are, so continue to run 20.10 (now EOL)

    Remove problematic PPA by

    sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

    then retry package list update with

    sudo apt-get update

    Then use local old python versions by https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer .

  • backup current system and then upgrade 20.10 to supported 21.04 using standard desktop procedure

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo reboot
    sudo do-release-upgrade


    1. I have tested this method on my RPi 4B without any issues.
    2. deadsnakes PPA does not provide packages for 21.04.
  • backup current system and do a clean install of 20.04 LTS (focal) which is supported by deadsnakes PPA. Then enable USB boot on it.