Just curious, where is all the discussion? In the past, when I new version was released, this site would explode. Since April 2024, not much increased activity. There is not even a "24-04-Noble Numbat-LTS" tag. Have people lost interest in Ubuntu Mate or is 24.04 not what people were expecting?
I see 47 posts on this site currently using 24-04-noble-LTS ? You may have missed it.
You can do a search for 24.04 questions using Search results for 'tags:24-04-noble-LTS' - Ubuntu MATE Community
As for your actual question; I'm more of a fly on the wall probably on this discourse... I'm involved in a number of Ubuntu teams, far more so than Ubuntu MATE, so I don't see myself as an ideal person to actually speak in regards Ubuntu MATE discussions (to me it's just part of the wider Ubuntu family)
Maybe I did miss it, but I just went back as if I was creating a new post and looked again under the drop menu for tags. I still do not see it.
I rarely create posts on this site, however if I click to add a new post a window appears allowing me to create title, category, add tags & an area for my actual post.
If I jump (click or tab) to the optional tags field, rather than selecting via drop-down I'd just type 24 and a split second later I can select "24-04-noble-LTS" with it telling me its been used 47 times thus far.
I've only [extremely] recently been made a moderator on this site, and whilst I'm aware discourse can be setup differently on various sites, its still very similar, and I'd expect the same behavior for anyone with posting permissions (I don't intend creating another account for me to test it). Maybe because I use different discourse sites (as user & also as moderator), I thus know they are setup differently, I've learnt to avoid differences (ie. using the search feature to find the tag I want), but I suggest you look again for it.
Yes there is still interest in Ubuntu Mate. Best flavour by my likings.
The only desktop I will use.
Why discuss if it is almost perfect? I am from a nation that always complains, but when there is no need to complain, there is no discussion. So yes, I am happy to have Ubuntu MATE, and if I can, I recommend it to others.
Also PC's and their operating systems are now a mature industry. You are not going to see tweaks now, not a lot of new ideas or huge improvements. It's not like the difference and excitement of between 1995 and 1998 or 2000 is going to happen again.
I remember trying to use Xandros, you had to download all updates, extract them and install them yourself, package managers caused a lot of excitement back then.
Ubuntu Mate is the best linux and Ubuntu flavour, in my opinion.
If there are few discussions it means only that it works fine and there is no need to post help requests.
Honestly, if it were not for the installer's problem I would have had no need to post: everything works.
I'm happy with MATE. I recently did an upgrade from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS and it went without a glitch. It took a while, but I simply answered "keep" to all the configuration files it wanted to overwrite, and everything booted up as expected.
Firefox was a pig, so I removed the snap and installed the deb release. And now my-weather-indicator won't launch on my remote desktop until I stop it on the server monitor. That's a new behavior, and not a show-stopper for me.
I feel that mate will be deprecated soon. The main developer turned his attention away from it.
If you mean Martin Wimpress, he is very much involved!
Someone made that claim in another posting recently, and I believe it was @Ironfoot who closed down that discussion for publishing false information.
That is good news then.
You mean this one:
It was closed by moderators. Actually, I wanted to see the sources of that misinformation.
The major part of the development is concentrated around the MATE Desktop itself. I think, Ubuntu MATE as a distro is already shaped now, and a lot of work is automated. It will provide a stable MATE desktop on top of the Ubuntu package base and, being the Ubuntu flavour, will accept decisions made by Canonical. It may sound boring or not exciting anymore.
For the most part, what you said reflects what I was hoping to hear:
- dual panel (menus+status; task bar),
- control panel (grouped utilities)
- stability (focus on MATE desktop, leaving core to Ubuntu base), and
- (maybe?) constant lookout for additional applications which might be "tweaked" for adoption as core apps.