Your top 10 most used console commands

What are your top 10 most used terminal commands? Script to retrieve could be this: history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;} END {for (a in CMD) print CMD[a], a;}' | sort -nr | head. My top 10 are these:

  • 163 cd
  • 137 ls
  • 125 sudo
  • 100 exit
  • 87 ocrmypdf
  • 47 python3
  • 46 apt
  • 37 locate
  • 33 man
  • 23 snap

I don't
think I have ever used ten terminal commands.
dpkg --configure -a
usermod -a -G sudo
sudo passwd <user_name>

That is about it, and I need a cheat sheet beyond the first 4 terminal commands I listed.


I am pretty much the same ! Only those first four I know by heart - other commands I need to recall where I've saved them or find them online haha


181 cd
146 ls
107 el
69 sudo
48 clear
45 cdh
26 mp
26 me
26 findm
26 cdv

Except for cd, ls and sudo, all of these commands are aliases (I use the terminal a lot!)

186 ssh
126 exit
100 clear;
69 vi
60 cd
56 ll
39 python3
39 cat
33 sudo
22 ls

136 man
135 sudo
101 python3
57 ls
47 cat
35 mc
27 ps
25 mate-panel-test-applets
23 lsof
23 grep


This is a fun exercise, @Juandev :slight_smile: Here's my output:

$ history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;} END {for (a in CMD) print CMD[a], a;}' | sort -nr | head
177 ls
159 git
158 cd
100 sudo
39 df
39 cat
33 for
27 man
20 top
15 find

Yeah, I was wondering what is el?


el is an alias I created that calls eza (third-party file lister, like an advanced ls) with display options. This is my alias:

alias el='eza --long --header'


It's good to see so many here that work/worked as professional IT people or programers as it shows Ubuntu Mate is a great OS and a serious OS for getting work done. It means a lot of knowledge in the forum too.

Yet it is also good there are casual users like us here too. It shows you don't have to be what is often described as a 'computer geek' to love and use Ubuntu Mate or most other Linux OS's either.
Regardless of your skill level or needs Ubuntu Mate beats Windows.


198 find
47 ls
26 man
23 zenity
21 yad
19 playerctld
18 playerctl
14 mpv
10 inxi
8 cal


Is anyone using the Warp terminal? It is an AI interactive terminal. Ask a question or tell it what you would like to do and it will give you a solution, including any commands.

1 Like

Indeed! That just shows that Linux is all around OS and not something that is too complex to use by an average user that doesn't have a B.A. in informatics.

People often think that just because some forum topics use extensive programing language that its something they will have to deal with if they decide to use Ubuntu MATE or any other Linux distribution.

Passion about Ubuntu MATE isn't just about getting the best out of technology its also in being free to choose what you want your device to do and be informed about processes that are happening "under the hood" if you wish to be.
Thing is, Windows just does as it pleases and you are like a child that needs to play along. On the other hand Linux treats you as an adult that is capable of making sound decisions and knows what one wants for oneself and if I want my menu bar to be in top left corner it will be there - if I want another panel on the bottom of the screen - I can get one etc etc. And you really don't need to be a tech wizard to setup your desktop preferences :blush:


Yeah, I thought I used the terminal a decent amount, but not compared to most of you who posted here. For example, one of you use playerctl a lot but even though I listen to music all the time via MATE, I just use the GUI.

And while I use MATE all day, I primarily use the GUIs provided with each program and not the terminal.


Only to solve a bug for someone else, I personally have no further use for it :smile:

(Zenity and Yad because I needed a checklist (tickbox) generator so I tested which of the two did a better job: Yad won :slight_smile: )


Always learning something in this Forum. I have been trying to learn bash scripting and have created a few test scripts, and now I find out about Yad. Perfect timing!



This script was posted in [1] and [2].

IMO, you should have given ref to Matheus Richard.




yad is cool. I built an entire menu-driven process for use in the office by non-tech people using yad. Spiffy!


Normie here. Here's my top ten commands. Some here are scripts that I've wrote before.

300 clear
142 sudo
110 java
48 apt
31 af
30 cat
27 cls
21 cs
18 #
15 ls

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

I see that several people here have the clear command, that clears the terminal screen - "clear(1) - Linux manual page" - as one of their 10 most used commands. I must say I almost never use that command, because I use the Ctrl + L keyboard shortcut / combination that achieves the same effect (clears the terminal screen). I'm curious to know if people are using the "clear" command explicitly because they didn't know this keyboard shortcut (in that case, I hope you find this keyboard shortcut tip useful to you :slight_smile: ) -OR- if you have any other reason to type that command explicitly?