- #1 Networking
Let's face it, Xenial completely screwed up the network stack and I have a hard time because of it.
Now, I know that's not something Ubuntu MATE can personally deal with because, well, focus here is the desktop and not the core. However, I've identified one issue that I believe is specific to the MATE desktop.
Sometimes, the applet crashes and does not respawn. Reboot does not fix it, the icon is just gone and stays gone until one opens a terminal and issue the command nm-applet &
Provided the stack is still not fixed when 17.04 is released, I would very much like a build in workaround. It could be something as simple as a shell script checking every ten seconds the output of ps axu | grep nm-applet
and restarting it when it's not detected.
#2 [Opinion] The Places Menu should list every default folder including Downloads, Videos, Music and so on.
has some issues when using Compton.
I'm hit by the "fades to black then don't start" bug, and I also encountered times where when waking from suspend it would fail to recognize my password. Reason unknown and I just kill it from tty1
- #4 The lack of Boutique translation
I know @lah7's working on it - this will be great when it lands. :)
- #5 The lack of Website translation
I can't really just give people the URL https://ubuntu-mate.org/ and tell them to take a look, the vast majority of my fellow Frenchmen have a terrible command of English.
#6 Caja-dropbox does not update status icon of files in my dropbox folder for some reason. I have to hit F5 a lot to refresh the icons
#7 I find the lack of "Log Out" button in the panel frustrating. I think it should be included in the default layout.
#8 I can't use the super key alone as a launcher for some reason. @chasbel2112 has the exact same issue:
Now, I know this is doable because the super key can be used to bring down the advanced menu. I have no idea of the technical difficulties involved but I would really appreciate a way to use it as a launcher for synapse which has been a godsend.
- #9 We should be able to save (and export) multiple panel layouts in MATE Tweak
#10 No program should ever be able to hold up a shutdown if we've already told the system to "Shut down anyway"
#11 Disk Mounter applet could be added to Redmond Panel layout
- **#12** Default color mode for Pluma should be "oblivion", this is subjective and therefore arguable, but the default "Ambiant-MATE" theme is ugly. I would also like to have "Highlight matching bracket" and "Insert spaces instead of tabs" default ON.
- **#13** Default LightDM background and Default Background should be the same image https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/default-lightdm-background-and-default-background-should-be-the-same-image/8975
- #14 The minimized Chrome + Compiz bug is still present as of 17.04